Our Story
By the industry, for the industry
Feel Good With Flowers sole aim is the promotion of the local flower industry to New Zealander's and to stimulate and encourage the increased purchasing of New Zealand grown flowers and foliage by both the general public and commercial organisations.

The National Flower Promotion Group launched in 2007 as United Flower Growers Ltd saw the need for year-round flower promotions to occur on behalf of the industry.
The NFPG helps to support both flower retailers and growers through creative marketing campaigns, promotions and events. The NFPG brand is 'Feel Good With Flowers' which you will see at the forefront of all our campaigns and messaging. We strive to support the industry and ensure the longevity of the NZ Floriculture industry.
We want to both educate the NZ consumer and inspire a love for fresh cut flowers.
Pick NZ Flowers
We are so lucky in New Zealand that such a vast amount of cut flowers and foliage are still grown commercially.
NZ flower growers work extremely hard to ensure consistent supply of fresh and attractive product year-round. Most of which you can find at your local flower retailer, just ask if its NZ grown!
It’s important to support local business and to ‘PICK NZ!’ when possible!